Important Questions of Information Practices | Class - 11

Ravinder has a CCTV controller, AC, and washing machine with having Wi-Fi tag mentioned on them. What additional facility will he get with this mark? What is the name of this facility? 
1) we can access and remotely control them on the go using our smartphones. This facility is called IoT(Internet of Things).

Write differences between WoT and IoT
1) Internet of Things allows us to interact with different devices through the Internet with the help of smartphones or computers, thus creating a personal network. But to interact with ‘n’ number of different devices, we need to install ‘n’ different apps. Wouldn’t it be convenient to have one interface to connect all the devices? The web is already being used as a system to communicate with each other. So, will it be possible to use the web in such a way that all things can communicate with each other in the most efficient manner by integrating them together? Web of Things (WoT) allows the use of web services to connect anything in the physical world, besides human identities on the web. It will pave way for creating smart homes, smart offices, smart cities, and so on.

2) SaaS(Software as a Service), Google Forms is a service to collect data online.
4) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
ii - The BETWEEN operator defines the range of values inclusive of boundary values.

6)  SELECT cName FROM consumers WHERE CAdd LIKE "GAYA" AND paidFlag=0;

7) - SELECT Department FROM Emp ORDER BY Department DESC;

- SELECT Department, EName, DOJ FROM Emp WHERE DOB>"1/1/2000" AND DOB<"30/6/1994"

8) Primary Key is a column or group of columns in a table that uniquely identifies every row in that table, whereas andidate Key is a set of attributes that uniquely identify tuples in a table. Candidate Key is a super key with no repeated attributes.

- Using DESC Command.

- the term cardinality refers to the uniqueness of data values contained in a table.

9) CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE(AatherNumber INT, Name VARCHAR(20), Address VARCHAR(20), Department VARCHAR(20), EmployeeID INT; 

- In EMPLOYEE table - 5 and in DEPENDENT 3. 



11) SELECT MovieID, MovieName, ProdictionCost-BusinessCost as Net Profit FROM MOVIE;
 b) SELECT MovieID,MovieName,ProductionCost FROM MOVIE WHERE ProductionCost>80,000 AND ProductionCost<1,25,00 ;
c) SELECT*FROM MOVIE WHERE Category IS "Comedy" OR "Action";

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