TNPLinks - Ad Network and URL Shortner | Review and Details

TNPLinks AD Network Details and Review
TNPLinks - Ad Network and URL Shortner

TNPLinks is a new Ad Network as well as a URL Shortner too which can helo publishers/website owners to motizite their website as well as earn from sharing shorlinks from TNPLinks too. They give instant approval to any site added to show TNPLinks ads. Blogger and Wix sites with NO custom domain, also get approval instantly. So, this AD Network can be for those who are new or small publishers and don't get much traffic on their website/articles. And, yes there are NO traffic requirements in this AD Network. This AD Network works on fixed CPM Ad Network, where minimum CPM/CPCm will be $1. 

For Publishers -
  • Your minimum CPM/CPCm will be $1
  • Real time reports.
  • Quick chat support.
  • Fast payout (within 3 days).
  • They never show POP-ads to Link-shortner visitors or in Auto Ads
What they have - 
  • Link Shortener
TNPLinks - Ad Network and URL Shortner

TNPLinks is a AD Network but they also have a URL Shortner feature in their dashboard. You just need to paste your big link in the box and click on the "short" buttom, and you will get a Shortlink of TNPLinks which you can share and get views on that shorted URL. The more views you get on that URL the more you earn from TNPLinks.  
You can see the Earning reports of these URLs in your dashboard of TNPLinks. 
  • Fake Button ads
TNPLinks - Ad Network and URL Shortner

This is a fake button generator script feature by TNPLinks which can help you to incease revenue from your Downloading website. This is a perfect feature for websites, like - Movie downloading, Song downloading, script downloading or other downloading websites. You can generate a button from the Dashboard of TNPLinks after customizing accroding to your website and then copy the script and paste the fake button script/code to your webpage's relevent section.
You can see the DEMO of the button here -

  • Banner ads
TNPLinks - Ad Network and URL Shortner

Just like other big and popular AD Networks, TNPLinks also has a Banner Ads features which works very simiplar like other AD Networks. In TNPLinks Banner Ads you just need to generate the banner ad code from the dashbaord of TNPLinks after selecting the proper size and ads to show 18+ ads or not. You can see the DEMO of Banner ads of TNPLinks here - 

Banner sizes available here are - '730x100','350x50','300x250','468x60' and '320x100'
  • Full Page Script 
TNPLinks - Ad Network and URL Shortner

Like other URL Shortners, TNPLinks also has a Full Page Auto Link Shortener Script/Code which can help website or blog owners to monitze all of their website links just by sing this script/code. Do you have a blog, resource website, microsite, online forum, or almost any other kind of website? With this handy script, every link on your site will automatically be converted to a LNPLinks shortened link instead. This way, you can ensure you are monetizing all your traffic. Through the options, you can whitelist or blacklist any domains you definitely want to include or exclude too.  
How to Use?
  • The default code is for whole page, means all the absolute urls available on your site/webpage will be shorten automatically if you use the default code in your webpage(s)
  • Instead of shorting all urls available on your webpage, if you want to short some specific url(s) only, then just add the url pattern (like target domain name) to the script one by one from "Customize Script" section.
  • You can add as many as URLpattern(s) you want in your customized script.
  • Suppose, you have 3 links on a webpage i.e. "", "" and ""
  • Now, if you use the default auto-script then all 3 urls will be shortened automatically.
  • On the other hand, if you add "" in your script from "Customize Script" section, then only "" will be shortened.
  • Customizable Auto Script Tags
TNPLinks - Ad Network and URL Shortner

TNPLinks has an customizable Auto Ad Script feature which generates an auto ad code/script. After adding this Auto Ad Script on your website, TNPLinks will automatically and instanly start showing ads on your website in revelent places of your webpage. You also get some options to customize this auto ad code of your website like -
  • Show 18+ Ads or not
  • Allow Shrink Ads or not
  • Allow Header Ads or not 
  • Allow Banner Ads or not 
  • and, Number of Banner Ads to show on your website by TNPLinks.
After, customizing these options you just need to click on the "Generate Code" button and your code will be generated and then, you need to copy that generated code and paste in into your website below "</body>" tag of your website's code. 

After this all, TNPLinks will start showing Ads on your website on the revelent places of your webpage automatically. Their auto-script feature helps you generating revenue automatically

Features - 
  • Fixed minimum CPM/CPCm (i.e 1$)
  • Customizable full page Auto script code
  • Content matching Fake button & Banner ads
  • Ad-Blockers will not affect your ads
  • Chat with them at any time
  • They can create custom code for your website
  • Their experts can suggest you revenue enhancment strategies.
  • Contact them and they can create custom AD scripts for your web site after proper analysis.

Check Out More URL Shortners | HERE
Checkout More AD Network | HERE
Reviews System WIDGET PACK
Bitcoin price
$ 83264.9-0.1%
Ethereum price
$ 1906.78+0.1%
Tether price
$ 1.00042+0.0%
XRP price
$ 2.29594-1.7%
BNB price
$ 625.881+1.6%
Solana price
$ 125.416-2.2%
USDC price
$ 1.00031+0.0%
Cardano price
$ 0.70784-0.8%
Dogecoin price
$ 0.16797-1.8%
TRON price
$ 0.22071+3.5%
$ 0.83942+39.8%
$ 205.116+36.9%
$ 2.51113+35.0%
$ 0.72566+30.3%
$ 10.5866+24.3%
$ 0.00154-23.6%
$ 0.45852-14.3%
$ 0.00145-10.6%
$ 0.14450-10.2%
$ 0.09533-7.9%

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