Typing Speed Calculator - CPM Calculator

Tontuf Co.
This is a very simple and easy-to-use game or tool/calculator which can calculate your CPM(Characters per minute) or your typing speed per minute.  

In order to use this tool, you just need to start the countdown and the countdown will start, then u need to type the below-given paragraph. The countdown will run for 1 minute and you need to type that paragraph at your highest speed. If you do some spelling error it will color that errored text with red color, you can also correct that error or more ahead affecting your accuracy. You just need to keep typing the given paragraph till the countdown ends and after the countdown of 1 minute ends, the tool will calculate your CPM and number of errors you have done while typing the given paragraph. 

Paragraph -
`fly relate house expert charge interview itself because job consider knowledge color low late hope significant understand business home where entire tonight want heavy such sell way employee by civil hold executive become station successful enough task exactly reflect about fear let perform term always industry spend feeling play federal performance season major buy ability evidence treat wall true like project return popular whether inside especially say size fast really activity final use strategy maintain see add explain conference school line almost economy rise various claim range imagine their central watch art right century scientist thought radio rule call administration light concern pick coach make chair suddenly information show rock pretty ready hang finally music cold join professional later though series head college building career consumer everyone sure area maybe history wear land matter save realize family plan risk compare prepare simply meet last however score rest card also bring begin movement moment material night reduce these live condition yeah food than morning city speak enjoy laugh teacher cell health well summer player interesting might subject movie themselves price trip address anything million get image probably recent why reveal billion write hair may remove car response just`

You would just need 55 – 60 WPM if you type for a living. Some positions require over 85 WPM so keep that in mind but the average typist is 45 WPM so 60 is well above average. And when you think and type it really doesn’t matter, you would always be slow to very little pace even if your average typing is over 200 WPM. It only matters when you type for your living in a job that involves listen-and-type or read-and-type. Think-and-type will never get you even 80 WPM.

There are two standards by which keying speed is measured:
  • WPM(words per minute), as a two-handed typist on a standard Alpha input keyboard
  • And, KPH(keystrokes per hour), as one-handed data-entry on a Numeric pad.

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