ClickAdilla Adwork

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ClickAdila Ad Network Reviews and Details.

ClickAdila Ad Network Reviews and Details.
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We would like to introduce you self-serve platform ClickAdilla. It operates 26 Own Premium websites with the WW traffic on a CPM basis

Note - All ADs used in this blog are from Clickadilla for DEMO 

ClickAdilla - Your Advertising GATORway is the Next Generation Ad Network.ClickAdilla is an Innovative Self-Serve platform where you can acquire High-Quality Traffic from Exclusive sources. With ClickAdilla you have full control over your Expenses. You can set a bid, see the volume expectations and change the bid whenever you need. Advertisers can use many targeting options, create white/black lists, set hourly/daily caps, etc. All you need is to sign up, create a campaign, get the landing approval, load funds and make a profit. 

Register to ClickAdilla

URL Shortner:


  • Popunder, banner, push notification traffic
  • Worldwide GEO
  • A life support team that is always ready to help you
  • Calendar limits to advertising on specific days and hours
  • Real-time bidding for each target;
  • Clear bidding system, where you can see the available amount of traffic and bids of the competitors
  • Referral program with 5% bonus from the spending of your referrer.

ClickAdilla Details
Minimum Payout: $50
Commission: CPM, PPL, RevShare
Payment Frequency: Weekly
Referral Program: Yes
Payment Methods: Paypal, Bitcoin, BankWire, Webmoney

AD Formats -

Web push is a new word in internet advertisement. We have a database of more than 65 million subscribers collected directly from our exclusive partner’s sources. You can advertise even your adult landings, which are not allowed in most push networks.

Popunder is an extra window that shows when the user makes the first click on the content page. It is one of the best ways to grab user's attention! We have both mobile and desktop popunders available. They are user-friendly and meet all of the google restrictions.

Banner advertisement is one of the classical ad formats, which shows on the content page. We have several banners available on

  1.  NTV-A,B,C
  2.  In-video
  3.  Others
Native ads are placed in the website’s footer, and it looks like the website's content but not the advertisement. The native ad-block consists of 6 banners (300x250) with text.

In-Page push ad format looks like a push message shown on a website while users are on the page. In-page ads are designed to be fixed to a specific screen area while the user scrolls through the content. The format has to target all OS (including iOS).
Content feed or gallery traffic is display traffic from aggregator websites with video previews, which leads to sources with video content itself. The format is highly suitable for adult tubes.

  1.  Traffic 50 438 daily;
  2.  Min bid from 0.003$ cpс.

Navigation bar link or tab-direct link is a tab on the website menu, supposed to be a part of the site. We sell no more than 2 direct links on one site.

Notifications will be delivered to all user’s iOS devices since events are sent through iCloud and Google calendar if they are sync.
All the iOS devices support this ad format - iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and CarPlay.

In-stream is one of the new and most popular formats of advertising. People interested in the content will watch your ad, which is like an intro to it. We have both VAST and direct links available so that you can insert your in-stream most conveniently.
Interstitial ads are interactive, full-screen ads that cover the interface of their host app or site. These ads appear between content, so they place at natural transition points or breaks, such as in between activities or game levels.

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