How to add redirection in your Blogger post for FREE - 2020

Tontuf Co.
Today I am going to tell you about Custom Redirects, when to use it and how to do a custom redirect in BlogSpot's blog. Very few new bloggers will know about it, but it is an important feature of Blogspot.

Custom Redirects in Blogger Blog | URL Redirection [Hindi] - YouTube

For SEO of your blog and for better user experience you need to know about custom redirects. In blogging, you write new posts every day, update or delete old posts. Because of which there are broken links or such links in your blog on which a 404 message shows.
You can fix such links with custom redirects tool, but first, you have to understand what is custom redirects and how it works.

Custom Redirects kya hai
Redirect in Blog means to divert an invalid webpage or URL to a valid webpage or URL. Custom Redirects is a feature of BlogSpot through which we can redirect one post of our blog to another post.

Meaning you send traffic coming in one URL to another place so that your visitors can get the right information and their user experience is good.

Through custom redirects you can redirect only the URL of the same blog, you will not be able to redirect your blog to any other website/blog.

When should I do redirects?
1: If you are changing the permalink of the old post in the blog for some reason, in that case, you can redirect the custom. When you change, update or delete the old permalink, because of being indexed in Google, it shows in the old link search engine and whenever a visitor clicks on that link, he gets a 404 error message. In this situation, you can redirect the old link to the new link so that the traffic coming in your old link also comes in the new link.

2: There are some posts in the blog which become outdated after some time. That post is not currently in use, you can redirect that type of post.

3: Many times we make a spelling mistake in our URL and our attention goes to it after a long time. If you change that URL then you will lose the ranking, for this the best option is you redirect the old URL from the new URL.

4: If you are shifting your blog from Blogger to WordPress, then the permalink structure of both is different.
Here you can change the permalink of your old post and redirect it.
5: If your blog has broken links and it gets an error of 404, then you can also provide value to your visitors by redirecting such type of links.

How to Custom Redirects in Blogger Blog
If you face any of the above problems then you can use a custom redirect in your blog. You can easily set the custom redirect in your Blogger by following the steps given below.

Ex: Suppose you are changing the permalink of an old post. Suppose the permalink of your old post was "" and we are going to change this permalink " -redirect-hindi.html ". If you do not redirect here, you will lose the ranking and incoming traffic of that post.

For Custom Redirects, first, save both links on Notepad or anywhere.

Step 1: Go to Blogger's Dashboard.

Step 2: Now go to the Settings option here and click on Search preferences.

Step 3: Go to the Error and redirections section here and click Edit in Custom Redirects.

Custom redirect in blogger
Custom redirect in blogger
Step 4: Like the screenshot given below, you will have the option.
Paste the old permalink in the box from "From". ( No need to paste the domain.

Paste the new permalink in the box of "To". (

Custom redirect in blogger

Custom redirect in blogger
Step 5: Now click on the checkbox of Permanent and click on Save.

Step 6: Click on the Save changes button in Last.

Now, if a visitor clicks your old link in the search engine, it will be redirected to the new link. In the same way, if traffic is coming on a broken link in your blog, then you can redirect it by not deleting that link.

If you have any questions related to this post (Blogger Me Custom Redirects Kaise Kare), you can ask us in the comment below.

Or, other and the simple way is to copy this code -

<script type='text/javascript'> window.location.href = ""; </script>

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